Representative things

(Priller, 2012)
Sometimes we ask ourselves, what is the most representative thing on Valentine’s Day?
We often do it, but, we could find many things which represent Valentine’s Day for example: hearths, chocolates, smiles, flowers, however the most representative thing is CUPID.
CUPID represent desire, love, and attraction between couples, because, this friend is the person, who connect the lives of two people or help them to solve their troubles or help them to develop their relationship.
However, CUPID have a characteristic that represent him, its red color.
Red color represent our hearts, CUPID, and many more things, and CUPID together with color red, represent the love that we have to our lover.


Priller, M. (10 de February de 2012). Dad/Daughter Sweetheart Dance. Obtenido de


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