Perspective of the people about their issues
5 Examples of First World Problems
Here you have five examples of first world problems. Seidell. (2013)
-No Wi-FiWi-Fi—which stands for Wireless Fi—is no longer seen as a luxury or even a convenience, but as a right. An inalienable, unpassword-protectable right. When Wi-Fi is not available, laptop and tablet owners liken it to a trampling of their freedoms. From the Holiday Inn off the highway that only has Wi-Fi in the lobby to the airplane that hasn’t been retrofitted with a router yet, their pained cries ring out from every corner of the nation.If you want to search more information about the first world problems, please, click and follow the link and you already will see more important information about it. The act of search for more information, you will discover opinions about perspectives, the real situation, the point of view of the people who suffer that type of trivial problems that happens in the first world countries. And also they create a rap that represent their problems in a brief way.
-My Book Ran Out of Batteries, and Other Modern Complaints
My book ran out of batteries.” In six short words this White Whine confirms what we have long suspected: We’re currently living in the future. Our books run on batteries now. And just like most of our appliances—refrigerators, TVs, even cars—they are now smarter than we are. And what do we do to welcome to dawn of a new era? We complain about it, naturally. Here it is, folks, the first glimpse at a future full of amazing wonders that we’ll almost certainly find really, really irritating.
As I just mentioned, we’re living in the future. We no longer need to know how to get from point A to point B thanks to a network of satellites and computers, collectively known as GPS. At the root of most GPS White Whines is the fact that GPS is a computer system and not a human servant. So while GPS can figure out the shortest distance between two places, and even account for speed limit and traffic patterns, it might not know when, say, there are construction or deadly car accident delays. What an idiot.
-I Need a Vacation from This Vacation
Vacation was something that used to exist before smartphones and e-mail. Some among us are still able to partake in this decidedly First-World luxury once or twice a year. But sadly these people find that their ability to relax is compromised not by work or pressing matters at home but by the vacation itself. And thus was born one of the most popular and widely used White Whines in history: I need a vacation from this vacation. There are a number of reasons a vacation can turn from a relaxing jaunt on some foreign shore to an irritating nightmare.
-Paradise Lost
People can and will complain about almost any vacation. But there is no vacation that White Whiners bitch about quite so loudly as those taken at the beach. I think the reason beach bitching catches everyone's attention is because just hearing the word “beach” brings up wonderful mental imagery: Sun, sand, bikinis. What I don’t see, though, is someone standing in my sun, squeaking about how it rained yesterday, or how the waves are no good, or how it’s too hot, or how the resort is full of kids, or how they’d rather be at (insert identical tropical location) than this dump
Seidell. 17 Ridiculous ‘First-World Problems’. 2013. [Recovered at: 04/07/2017]
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