Important Fact in the movie Forrest Gump

Military Service

Vietnamnet. (2013). Say "Ministry of Education and Training and Ministry of National Defence, requests all male citizens to delay their education to serve the army, even if they have received an acceptance letter from a higher education institution but have not actually started their courses. They will undergo military service for at least 18 months instead, regardless of ethnic origins, professions or areas of residency, according to the law on military service.
The regulation may change the current situation, as most of my male acquaintances have never entered the army.
After graduating from high school, my friends usually tried to either find a job, or seek a place at university. Some who failed would present a fake certificate of poor health or fake acceptance letter from colleges. They would continue to do so until they reached 25-years-old, the limit for military conscription."

Forrest was influenced by the requirement of the military service in the country and could be make the change of the situation in one person, in the case of Forrest he made new friends Bubba and Dan and he demostrate that he can be the most friendly person in the society. Forrest before study in the college and he had successful in this place in the american football. Forrest uses his ability in the army to help other in the war.

Vietnamnet. Military Now Mandatory. 2013. [Recovered at: 07/12/2017]


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