A common issue in the society
Some people suffers about to be connected with the society and have opportunities to improve their lifes but, What is Homelessness in the society?
Shelter England. (2016). Say "Even with a roof over your head you can still be homeless, if you don't have any rights to stay where you live or your home is unsuitable due to severe overcrowding or other reasons.
You might be entitled to help as a homeless person if you are temporarily staying with friends or family or staying in a hostel or nightshelter.
If you have a home, you could be considered homeless if you live in very overcrowded conditions or in poor conditions that affect your health or you're at risk of violence or abuse in your home.
You may also be considered to be homeless if you: live somewhere where you have no legal right to stay, such as if you are squatting
live in a home you can't afford to pay for without depriving yourself of basic essentials
are forced to live apart from your family - or someone you would normally live with - because your accommodation isn't suitable"
Sometimes we can't notice about them but is really important to analize them, the trouble could be exists in one "home" or in one corner, one of the things that represent is the innefficiency of the social realtionships and the communication between friends and between the family. Represents a difficulties with psychological aspect in the society. Is a person who live without their family and any communication.
Shelter England. What is homelessness?. 2016. http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/homelessness/homelessness_-_an_introduction/what_is_homelessness [Recovered at: 15/05/2017]
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