An Interest Topic: What is runaways teen? That situation could be a problem in the society?
In the society, in many situations the people have some problems in their houses, mainly the teens with their parents. They suffer violence in their houses and nobody want to listen the opinion of the teens in the house and also they have conflicts with the familiy, in that situation the teens did'nt to live anymore with their families, they decide to live in the streets.
Du. (2016). Says: "Running away is faulty problem solving. When teenagers make a mistake, they should face reality rather than run. They have to develop more constructive problem solving and coping skills, and it’s on the parents to work with teens, to let them know it’s okay to make a mistake as long as they own up to it Although emerging teenagers are more critical of and resistant to their parents. In today’s media-saturated world, teenage risky behavior often springs from technology as well."
"We haven’t really dealt completely with the technology aspects of social media. With cyber-bullying and instant information, I think there’s a lot more stress. It’s toxic stress: the more stress kids have in their lives, the less they’re able to cope When a child is identified with having behavior problems, we don’t have enough resources at this point to provide direct assistance for the child and family... and problems get more complicated and difficult to resolve later on, especially for a teenager who has a lot of stress"
That is a big trouble that happends in the society and it is increasing but, the solution already exists, if you want to learn more about the topic, please continue in this Blog.
Du. Runaway Teens At Large: Greenwich Commissioner Alan Barry’s Answer. 2016. [Recovered at: 30/04/2017]
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